Newsmakers: Wisconsin's Workforce Shortage and Support for Working Caregivers
On June 20, 2022, Newsmakers Host Lisa Pugh sat down with Patti Jo Becker, Community Living Alliance – Director of Operations, and Lynn Gall, WI Department of Health Services – Family Caregiver Support Programs Manager, to discuss workforce shortage and support for working caregivers. The Wisconsin workforce shortage is worsening in part due to a group of employees who are often overlooked: family caregivers. As baby boomers age out of their jobs and begin requiring care, it is often their grown children and spouses who are stepping in, balancing work and new responsibilities at home. A recent statewide survey shows more than eight in ten employed caregivers are reducing work hours or quitting work entirely. On this Newsmakers episode experts discuss survey results, tell us what employers are saying and share recommendations for improvement.