Newsmakers: JoAnne Kloppenburg on the Supreme Court Race Recount
In a Newsmakers interview on April 21, Supreme Court candidate JoAnne Kloppenburg said she requested the first statewide vote recount in 22 years because voters need to know there was a "fair" election. Although unofficial results have her trailing Justice David Prosser by 7,316 votes, the assistant attorney general said there are so many reports of potential problems — including undercounts in Milwaukee and Racine and the use of copied ballots in Fond du Lac — that the entire statewide vote must be recounted. And, Kloppenburg added, the explanation of why the Waukesha County clerk accidentally found more than 14,000 Brookfield votes after the April 5 election "doesn’t hold up." By law, she said, the statewide recount must be completed in 13 days.