Newsmakers: Joint Finance Committee Co-Chairs Sen. Darling and Rep. Vos
In a Newsmakers interview in the Capitol, the co-chairs of the Legislature’s Joint Finance Committee — Sen. Alberta Darling and Rep. Robin Vos — previewed critical 2011-13 budget decisions the committee will begin making on April 26. The Republican leaders, for example, said Gov. Scott Walker’s plan to split UW-Madison from the UW System is unlikely to pass, defended Walker’s plan to cut the Earned Income Tax Credit claimed by the poor by $41 million, and said the Impartial Justice Act that gave public grants to Supreme Court candidates didn’t work and should be repealed.They also backed Walker’s plan to divert $35 million in sales tax collections over the next two years to the Transportation Fund. Vos and Darling predicted that the state budget will be signed into law by late June.