Newsmakers: Joint Finance Committee Co-Chairs Sen. Darling and Rep. Vos

In a Newsmakers interview in the Capitol, the co-chairs of the Legislature’s Joint Finance Committee — Sen. Alberta Darling and Rep. Robin Vos — previewed critical 2011-13 budget decisions the committee will begin making on April 26. The Republican leaders, for example, said Gov. Scott Walker’s plan to split UW-Madison from the UW System is unlikely to pass, defended Walker’s plan to cut the Earned Income Tax Credit claimed by the poor by $41 million, and said the Impartial Justice Act that gave public grants to Supreme Court candidates didn’t work and should be repealed.They also backed Walker’s plan to divert $35 million in sales tax collections over the next two years to the Transportation Fund. Vos and Darling predicted that the state budget will be signed into law by late June.

Newsmakers: Joint Finance Committee Co-Chairs Sen. Darling and Rep. Vos