Newsmakers: UW-Madison Chancellor David Ward
In his first WisconsinEye interview since returning to the job, interim UW-Madison chancellor David Ward said Capitol politicians and university officials must develop a long-range funding strategy for the state’s flagship campus. In the Newsmakers program taped on Dec. 14, Ward also said UW-Madison lost funding, because a 5.5% increase in resident tuition did not offset a cut in state aid to all 26 UW System campuses. Ward also bluntly talked about the impact of child-abuse scandals on the campuses of Penn State and Syracuse unversities, blaming soaring TV royalty payments for creating dangerous atmospheres of independence. Ward, who served as chancellor from 1993 to 2001, also said he knew that the plan of former Chancellor Carolyn "Biddy" Martin to create a new, separate UW-Madison governing authority would never be approved by political leaders.