Newsmakers: Department of Corrections Secretary Ed Wall
In his first Newsmakers interview, Corrections Department Secretary Ed Wall talked about how he got to know the giant state agency — 7,000 uniformed officers, 22,000 inmates and a $1.2-billion annual budget — he has run since Oct. 27. Wall went to each prison and insisted on meeting with rank-and-file guards, apart from supervisors and wardens. He said he heard complaints about the need for new prison uniforms, how overtime had been doled out based on seniority and the process of scheduling time off. In the interview, Wall also explained why he told state senators that, “Our men and women are tired” and why he wants to focus on the impact of long hours on family members of prison guards. Wall also said it will cost about $33,000 per year to house an adult inmate next year and about 70% of them are mentally ill or are alcohol and drug abusers.