Newsmakers: Senators Bob Jauch, Julie Lassa and Chris Larson

In a Newsmakers interview in an Illinois hotel on Feb. 22, Democratic Senators Bob Jauch, of Poplar; Julie Lassa, of Stevens Point, and Chris Larson, of Bay View, talked about doing Senate work by cell phone and email and said they didn’t know when they would return to Wisconsin’s Capitol. Lassa, who is six months pregnant, said she has tried to explain to her two young daughters why she hasn’t been home in more than a week. Jauch said his wife drove from their Superior-area home to bring him clothes and to encourage. Larson, who was a Milwaukee County supervisor when Gov. Scott Walker was the Milwaukee County executive, said Walker never flinched from attacking public workers when he ran the state’s largest county. They also said they are all paying their own travel bills, and not drawing their $88 daily expense stipend.

Newsmakers: Senators Bob Jauch, Julie Lassa and Chris Larson